Car park (surface) Motor Tax Office Model Farm Road - Cork


Model Farm Road
, T12 XP80 Cork

Opening Hours

Mon - Sat
07:00 - 19:00
Sorry, we're closed.

Quick information

Total Spaces


Secure Parking
This can be with or without camera surveillance, can be a locked gate that you need to present your ticket to get in, can be a closed area frequently patrolled, can be well lit.


You can pay by an app
Payment on a website (e.g. ANPR)

Parking Tariff

Monday - Saturday 

€1.50 per hour


€4.00 per day


Car Park Description

APCOA Prebook

The Motor Tax Office Model Farm Road car park offers prebooked parking sessions for those who wish to plan ahead for a hassle-free parking experience.




Secure Parking
This can be with or without camera surveillance, can be a locked gate that you need to present your ticket to get in, can be a closed area frequently patrolled, can be well lit.


You can pay by an app
Payment on a website (e.g. ANPR)

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